Thrivinar Registration Form

Do you have an idea for a Thrivinar that would be beneficial for Ifluencr members and others on their own transformation Journey? Would you like to share your knowledge in a particular subject area? If so, Influencr invites you to submit your proposal today for an opportunity to help Influencr showcase new methods, products, or tools within the Coaching Industry. We want to hear from you! Influencr offers Thrivinar twice year on a range of topics submitted by committees, members, organizations, mentors, and Affiliates. Thrivinar programs are typically 8-hours in length and scheduled on Central Time. Submissions will be reviewed by Influencr’s Thrivinar Committee. The Thrivinar Contents should adhere with Influencr’s CODE OF HONOR.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please follow the correct format and size of the image: maximum size of the image is 2MB, we recommend to use JPG, PNG, JPEG image extensions.
Please limit your entry upto (100-150 words).
Please limit your entry up to (100-150 words).
List 2 to 5 learning objectives, Please limit your entry upto (100-150 words).